Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mighty Proud

On repeat, perfect for wandering an old railroad line with the sun setting.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I've got the great luck to live in an area with lots of green spaces, and they are especially lovely right now. And bountiful! A few evenings ago, feeling the roaming urge, we wandered out in the twilight and gathered bagfuls of wood sorrel and salmonberries to feast on. Talking and gathering while the sun sinks and the sounds of frogs and night stirrings begin is lovely.

The berries made their way into a smoothie right away! The sorrel made for great pesto from this recipe, although I would add basil and walnuts the next time, because the flavor was a bit sour on its own. I've also found sorrel makes a nice addition to chicken and rice soup!

At the moment more berries await preparation, maybe as a sauce for ice cream or a panna cotta...