Friday, July 26, 2013


The little daily art project that clothes can be is so much fun. Just not wearing a uniform is enough for a thrill sometimes!
Almost everything I wear is secondhand, handmade or too long owned to recall its origin, but here is a bit of what I've been enjoying.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Being a florist would be fascinating. All of the plants you become familiar with, hearing the stories behind peoples favorites... 

Yesterday I ended up with a worn out but still lovely bouquet of  flowers on my hands. Most of the filler greens were in sad shape, but some of the flowers just looked like they needed some love. 
We've got a collection of bottles from exotic sodas, and a homemade looking pottery vase or two from adventures saved up. Oh and a Kracken jug which always makes me chuckle. 
 Normally they are full of the odd wildflower from walks (and okay the occasional one from a yard over spilling onto the sidewalk), but it was fun having a bunch in the same colors to play with!